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Stones In Kidney : Symptoms, Treatment, Causes And Types
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Kidneys work as a natural filter for us. Most of the waste material is excreted from the kidney along with water and urine. But there are many people who do not understand how stones in kidney or Nephrolithiasis form. Do you also have the same question?
After reading this article, all your queries will be resolved. There are multiple reasons for the formation of stones in the kidney. Less water consumption, diet, and some medical conditions.
We will learn about kidney stone symptoms, types, treatments, etc.
What is a Kidney Stone?
We often associate stone consumption in our food with the formation of Nephrolithiasis. No, these are actually minerals or some waste material that forms crystals in the kidney, known as Nephrolithiasis.
What are the Causes of Stones in Kidney?
Any disease or disfunction in our body is a result of certain habits or changes. There are certain conditions that are responsible for stones in kidney too.
Multiple factors are responsible for the formation of stones in the kidney. Some of the major reasons are listed below:
#1. Dehydration
Everyone has received advice to drink around 4 to 6 liters of water since childhood. To remove body waste, an adequate amount of water is required by the kidneys. This is why if a person does not drink an adequate amount of water, the risk of Nephrolithiasis increases.
#2. Diet
Do you love salty food or animal protein? Hold on, as high sodium consumption or high animal protein consumption can cause Nephrolithiasis.
#3. Family History
If your elders have a history of kidney stones, beware. Genes also contribute to Nephrolithiasis.
#4. Medical Condition
There are many health conditions, like hyperthyroidism or urinary tract infections, that are responsible for form Nephrolithiasis.
#5. Obesity
Excessive weight causes a lot of issues, and one of its contributions is Nephrolithiasis.
Note: Remember, Nephrolithiasis can form for multiple reasons, so always consult a doctor if you feel any uneasiness in your urinary tract.
What are the symptoms of Stones In Kidney?
The size and location of stones in the kidney are major factors behind the symptoms. Small stones are most likely released by taking effective measures, but large stones need attention.
Here are some symptoms listed below that will observe if you have stones in kidney, get a checkup if you face one or many from the list.
#1. Pain
The most common symptom of Nephrolithiasis is severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, or sides. The pain is known as renal colic and is considered a sign of Nephrolithiasis.
#2. Hemeturia
Blood in urine is a factor that may be due to Nephrolithiasis, but it is highly observed with large stones as they cause friction in the urinary tract.
#3. Increased Urine Frequency
You will feel the urge to urinate more than normal, and your control over your urination will also decrease.
#4. Change In Color of Urine
The urine will change to a cloudy color from its normal yellow color. The foul smell can also be one of the symptoms.
#5. Feeling of Nausea and Vomiting
The person can often vomit or feel nausea due to pain from kidney stones.
The above symptoms are the most common, but symptoms can differ from person to person. Always keeping track of your body’s changes can help with an early diagnosis.
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What are the treatments for Stones In Kidney?
If you have any of the symptoms, the first step is to visit a kidney specialist for a diagnosis. Explain everything so he can advise you on the best diagnosis and treatment.
Here are some of the treatments that can be used either alone or in combination to treat Nephrolithiasis. The treatment and its duration depend on the size and location of the stone.
#1. Hydration : Stones In Kidney
Drink as much water as you can, water will work as medicine for you, and if the stone size is less than 10 mm, it may be removed with urine.
#2. Pain Management
Your doctor will prescribe you a suitable painkiller for the relief of pain.
#3. Medication
In order to minimise stone formation and possibly remove small stones, some medicines are helpful.
#4. Lithotripsy
When there is a large stone, usually doctors try to break it into small stones. This will release the stones from the body and reduce the risk. This technique uses shock waves, so the small stone can pass out.
#5. Surgery : Stones In Kidney
In the case of stones that are large in size or are at a location that creates chaos, they are removed by using a surgical procedure.
Types of Kidney Stones
There are multiple reasons why kidney stones are formed, and there are various types of Nephrolithiasis. Not only calcium or sodium, but multiple molecules can deposit and form the stone in your kidney.
The most common types of stones in the kidney are:
#1. Calcium Stones : Stones In Kidney
The consumption or formation of calcium oxalate in the body can cause kidney stone. These stones are the most common.
#2. Uric Acid Stones
If a person has a high purine diet, then the risk of these stones is high.
#3. Struvite Stones : Stones In Kidney
Some stones are formed due to an infection in the urinary tract. These stones grow rapidly and can obstruct the tract.
#4. Cysteine Stones
In rare cases or due to hereditary reasons, these stones in kidney are found. Cysteine, which is an amino acid and part of protein, starts depositing in the kidney and forming stones.
Stones In Kidney : Conclusion
Stones in kidney are very common nowadays, and a proper lifestyle is a great way to prevent them. Adequate amounts of water, a good diet, and regular checkups are necessary. Early diagnosis is the key.
Nephrolithiasis is the most common and is easily treated if proper and timely medication is taken.
Always drink a good amount of water and avoid foods that contain high amounts of certain chemicals or molecules that need to be filtered out regularly. There is a saying that prevention is better than cure, and that is the truth.
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