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Sleep Talking : Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

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At some point or the other, you must have seen someone mumbling or muttering something in their sleep. In medical language, it is called Somniloquy. Sleep talking or Somniloquy can be dangerous for some, but it can be expected for others. This is a type of sleep disorder.

This article will explain the reasons behind the Sleep Talking Causes. We will also tell you its symptoms and treatment.

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Somniloquy Meaning

Sleep Talking, i.e., talking in sleep, is a type of Parasomnia. Parasomnia can be called a disorder that disrupts sleep. Parasomnia occurs only at a particular time during sleep. At the same time, sleep talking can occur during rapid eye movement (REM) or non-REM sleep.

How Common Is It To Talk In Sleep?

Research has shown that 66% of people talk in their sleep. This usually does not happen. Research shows that only 17% of people had the problem of sleep talking in three months. The issue of sleep talking is more common in children. It is believed to affect adults less. This happens equally in women and men. Because the person who speaks in his sleep is not aware of it himself, hence its exact data is not available. A person usually gets information about talking in sleep from a family member or bed partner.

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Is Somniloquy Dangerous

In most cases, mumbling in your sleep is not dangerous. This usually does not have any significant impact on a person’s sleep. This does not happen continuously, so it is not a severe problem. However, there are some situations in which mumbling in your sleep may cause problems:

  • If your mumbling in your sleep disturbs your bed partner or roommate, it can disrupt their sleep and cause them to suffer from insomnia.
  • If you say embarrassing things in your sleep, it can cause tension or an awkward situation between you and your bed partner.
  • If Parasomnia is accompanied by a sleep-babbling disorder, such as nightmare disorder or sleepwalking, it can lead to inadequate sleep.

Causes of Sleep Talking

Even experts need to understand why people talk in their sleep. It is believed that the reason for this may be genetic. Some research shows that every family member may often have the habit of mumbling in sleep. A study on twins observed phenomena such as Somniloquy, sleepwalking, teeth grinding, and similar nightmares. It revealed a genetic influence on these occurrences. Lack of sleep or insomnia is also one of the reasons for this. Stress, depression, high fever, excessive drinking, sleep apnea, and side effects of any medicine can also be the Causes of Somniloquy.

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Treatment of Sleep Talking

Somniloquy has no known cure, but a sleep expert or sleep center can help you treat it. You can also treat Somniloquy by yourself by adopting the methods mentioned below:

  • Setting a time to sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine or other stimulants at night and in the evening.
  • Turn off the lights at least half an hour before sleeping, and keep your electronic devices away from you.
  • Making time for exercise during the day.
  • Abstaining from drinking alcohol.
  • Avoiding heavy food at bedtime.

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