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Stones In Gallbladder : Symptoms, Treatment, Causes And Types

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We have all studied the liver and its secretion, bile. It is required for the digestion of fats in our body. What happens if this essential fluid becomes fetal? The bile juice, along with other live substances, gets deposited in your gall bladder. This deposition can form stones in gallbladder (Gallstones).

Now, what is a gallbladder? It is an organ that is situated right below your liver in your upper abdomen. It stores the juices secreted by liver like bile, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc.

This article explains stones in gallbladder, their symptoms, causes, and treatments for better understanding and prevention.

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What is a Gallbladder Stone?

When, for some reason, liver secretions start depositing in the gallbladder, it results in stones in gallbladder or cholelithiasis or Gallstones. The bladder is a pear-shaped organ that stores bile fluid.

These stones can be small, like a grain, but they start increasing in size as bile continuously comes in contact with them.

What are the Causes of Stones in Gallbladder?

Gallstones are usually found in 10 percent of the population below 65 and 20 percent of the population above 65 years of age. Only 20 percent of the total diagnosed patients need immediate treatment.

The main cause of the stones in your gall bladder is an increased cholesterol level in your body. This is the reason obesity increases the risk of gallstones.

Some of the other reasons for Gallstones are:

#1. Excessive Bilirubin

Bilirubin is a waste product formed during the breakdown of red blood cells by the liver. To eliminate it out of the liver, it secretes it along with bile so it can reach the intestine and then out of the body. 25 % of stones in gallbladder are due to the excessive release of bilirubin by the liver. It may be due to medical conditions like liver malfunctions, some blood infections, etc.

#2. Gallbladder Stasis

The gall bladder contracts in order to release bile. This happens when your intestine sends signals for the bile’s requirements. The intestinal tract requires bile to digest fats. If the gallbladder is not able to contract due to some malfunction, some of the bile remains in the bladder and then concentrates, which results in stones in gallbladder.

Symptoms of Stones in Gallbladder

Every disease or disfunction in the body comes with some signs, these signs are known as symptoms. The major issue with gallbladder stones is that they do not show symptoms at a very early age. So, regular checkups are necessary for the stones in gallbladder.

However, there are some symptoms that may or may not be visible in later stages.

  1. The most prominent sign of stones in gall bladder is pain in your upper abdomen. This pain will not be continuous but will be of very high intensity. This is the first sign of a diagnosis.
  2. The person with stones in gallbladder will have diarrhea.
  3. Fever, loss of appetite, and indigestion are also common due to lesser amount of bile reaching for fat digestion.
  4. The risk of jaudce increases due to deposition of bilirubin in body as stones in gallbladder hinder the movement.
  5. The body feels itchy.
  6. A person always remains confused about things.
  7. The person had chills suddenly.
  8. The body’s temperature becomes high, and rapid heartbeats occur.

These are the few symptoms of stones in gallbladder. The symptoms do not confirm the presence of stones, a proper diagnosis is advisable.

These symptoms are visible in typical cases when gallstones block the passage of the secretion of the juices. Usually, gallstones do not cause pain.

Types of Stones in Gallbladder

Gallbladder stones are not the result of any external compound or chemical. This is mainly the result of the crystallization of bile or cholesterol, for various reasons. There were two types of stones in gallbladder.

#1. Cholesterol Stones

These stones are formed when your body has a high level of cholesterol and it starts depositing in the body. These are the most common stones in gallbladder. The major constituent is cholesterol, but it may contain other compounds. ponents too.

#2. Pigment Stones

When the liver secretes bilirubin in large amounts, a stone of dark brown or black colour forms.

Treatment of Stones in Gallbladder

Gallstones do not cause much harm and usually remain untreated. If the pain caused is of high intensity or you are at risk, then surgery is a most prominent solution.

The gallbladder is not a very essential organ, and its removal will not have much affect. There are some non-surgical treatments available that the doctor will suggest as per the patient’s requirements and condition.

#1. Surgery

There are two ways in which doctors can perform gallbladder surgery:

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy:

The procedure is simple, and you can easily go home on the same day or after one day of the procedure if there are no complications. The doctor will give you general anesthesia and make three or four incisions. In the next step, they insert a device inside and check for the stone. They carefully removed the gallbladder.

Open Cholecystectomy:

When the gallbladder swells due to some reason and there is an infection, doctors advise this surgery.

#2. Non-Surgical Treatment

There are various reasons, like age, medical condition, and body condition, for which surgery is not a good option. In that case, non-surgical treatments are mandatory.

#3. Oral Dissolution Therapy

Medicines like urosdiol or chenodiol contain biles acids that are useful in breaking cholesterol stones in gallbladder. This method takes years to dissolve stones completely.

#4. Shock wave Lithotripsy

Another solution is to break the stones in gallbladder into small pieces. This can be done by using shock waves. This will reduce the blockage and provide pain relief.

#5. Percutaneous Drainage of the Gallbladder

This procedure helps to remove bile with the help of a tube. This is not a first defense mechanism, it can only be considered if the person is not fit for surgery or other methods.

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Stones In Gallbladder : Conclusion

Stones in gallbladders are usually the result of carelessness. An adequate amount of water is very essential and can protect you from many deadly diseases.

Keeping a regular diagnosis and engaging in physical activity is very important to reduce the risk. If your family has a history of cancer, then you need to be very active about your health.

You can easily protect yourself from stones if you take basic preventive measures. If you are diagnosed with stones in the gallbladder, immediately opt for surgery if advised by the medical practitioner, as stones do not return after the removal.

Take care of your health and always consider a professional for better and timely treatment.

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